Cookies policy

On this website, cookies are used to improve the relationship between the visitors and our content, allowing the elaboration of statistics about the received visits and show content related to the preferences by the analysis of browsing habits. In compliance with Directive 2009/136/CE, developed in our system by the second paragraph of article 22 of the Services of the Information Society Law, following the guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, we proceed to inform you in detail the use made on our website.

The cookies are small files stored in the web browser used by each visitor of our website, so the web server can remember the user's visit later when returning to access our content. This information does not reveal your identity or any personal information or access to any content stored in your PC, but it allows t our system to identify you as a specific user who visited the website previously. Moreover, the cookies allow to save user preferences and technical information like the number of visits.

If you do not want cookies to be stored in your web browser, or you prefer to receive a notification each time a cookie requests to be installed, you can set your navigation options in that way. Most browsers allow cookies management in 3 ways:

Your browser cand also include the posibility to select with detail the cookies that you want to be installed in your computer. Specifically, the user can normally select one of the following options:

You can find information about how to configure the most common browser in the following pages:

Regarding third-party cookies, ie those of that that are foreign to our website, we can not be responsible of the content and accuracy of the privacy policies that they include. So the information we offer is always with reference to the source. If in doubt please contact the webmaster creator cookie domain.

Here we inform you in detail about the cookies that can be installed form our site. Depending on your navigation, all of them may be installed or just some of them.

Personal information collected for the following purposes and using the following services:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google that uses the data collected to track and examine the use of this website, to prepare reports of their activities and share with other Google services.

Google may algo use the data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.

Personal information collected: Cookie and use data.

Place of treatment: EE. UU. | Privacy policy | Opt out

Closing the banner about our cookies policy that appears in the first visit to our site, a cookies to remember your preferences and improve your browsing experience is generated. Thus, when you revisit our website you will no have to close again the banner.